BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo. It occurs when naturally-occurring calcium crystals located in your ears move around to different parts of your inner ear. These crystals disrupt the information that your inner ear provides about your movement. When your inner ear provides you information that does not match what your neck and your eyes are telling you, you can experience sudden spinning sensations (vertigo), nausea, and rapid eye movements (nystagmus).
Approximately 35% of people who experience migraines will experience vertigo or dizziness as a migraine symptom. Migraine-associated vertigo (MAV) or “vestibular migraines” are often associated with the typical migraine symptoms of aura, headache, sound, and light sensitivity. The migraine episode can last minutes to hours and can result in residual dizziness and imbalance after the migraine has passed.
Vestibular neuritis is an inflammation of the vestibular nerve, usually occurring on one side and can be associated with a viral infection. People with vestibular neuritis usually experience a severe episode of nausea, vomiting, and loss of balance – followed by persistent dizziness and mild-moderate loss of balance. Vestibular rehabilitation can help to retrain the vestibular system to accommodate for the loss of information from the affected nerve.
Dizziness, balance issues, and vertigo are common symptoms after a head injury or whiplash injury. After these injuries, you can experience a mismatch of information coming from your eyes (visual system) and your inner ear (vestibular system). This mismatch can contribute to many of the persistent “post-concussion” symptoms – frequent headaches, difficulty with concentration, poor depth perception, avoidance of busy environments. Vestibular rehabilitation can help to retrain these systems to reduce the mismatch and reduce the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome or whiplash.
Ménière’s disease is a chronic progressive disorder that occurs due to a fluid build-up in the inner ear(s). This typically includes “ringing” in your ear, ear fullness, vertigo, and variable hearing loss. A “Ménière’s attack” can last hours to days, and attacks usually progress over time.